As Aybal Plastik, we continue our production activities in a 10.000m² closed area. The original polyethylene (HDPE-LDPE-LLDPE) raw materials we use in production are supplied completely first class. Waste generated during production is turned into granules in our Recycling Facilities and used in the production of industrial products.


In our facility;

Roll waste bags, shirred and scented garbage bags, refrigerator bags, delicatessen bags, printed and unprinted shopping bags are produced.

By accepting the standards required by our industry as a minimum, the requirements of all our certificates are fulfilled.

Production is made with the desired features (P/L) for the brands of national and international reputable organizations.



Geri Dönüşüm

Not All Waste
is Garbage!

We Care, We Decompose, We Recycle, We Recover...

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